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The term inflammaging [born from the union of inflammation and aging], refers to the evidence that has emerged from various clinical and pre-clinical studies of a close relationship between aging and the presence of a mild, chronic and latent inflammatory response which could underlie many chronic degenerative diseases commonly seen in old age.Of note, the inflammaging is characterized by elevated circulating levels of pro-inflammatory markers, including interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-13, IL-18, C-reactive protein (CRP), IFNα and IFNβ, TGFβ and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Although initially these alterations were considered an inevitable consequence of aging, an increasing number of experimental and human data suggest that they may also represent the primary cause of the aging process itself.

Our research focuses on the reduction of the systemic inflammatory components and oxidative stress developed with ageing via the utilization of innovative approaches (e.g. probiotics, prebiotics or phitochemicals) that could led to a significant improvement in the quality of life of the elderly subject.

Our research focuses on two main areas:
  • Novel therapeutical approaches

We are currently characterizing the effects of probiotics and histophilic water in animal models of inflammaging. We study the effects of these compounds on systemic inflammatory parameters (including TNF and IL-1β) and aging markers; we also cooperate with other research groups to assess the effects of inflammaging on cardiovascular functions.

  • Translational studies

We are currently investigating the mechanisms underlying inflammaging in elderly patients. In addition, we are analyzing the effects of inflammaging on microvascular dysfunction in ex vivo human vessels.

  • Targeting SIRT1 Rescues Age- and Obesity-Induced Microvascular Dysfunction in Ex Vivo Human Vessels. (Circ Res. 2022) Mengozzi A, Costantino S, Paneni F, Duranti E, Nannipieri M, Mancini R, Lai M, La Rocca V, Puxeddu I, Antonioli L, Fornai M, Ghionzoli M, Georgiopoulos G, Ippolito C, Bernardini N, Ruschitzka F, Pugliese NR, Taddei S, Virdis A, Masi S.